The benefits of Yoga in the workplace

At it’s core is a holistic approach to physical and mental health, as well as a person's well-being and personal growth. By offering yoga in the workplace, both company and individuals stand to benefit from an increased awareness of the effects of stress in the workplace and learn how to manage/negate the negative impacts.

According to the CIPD’s 2022 annual survey exploring health, wellbeing and absence in UK workplaces, “Mental ill health remains the most common cause of long-term absence, followed by musculoskeletal injuries and stress. These are also among the most common causes of short-term absence as in previous years.” This survey also shows “that organisations that take a strategic approach to wellbeing are far more likely to report a number of positive outcomes for both employees and the organisation. 

Company benefits include:

  • Lowered stress-related health care costs

  • Less absenteeism and disability claims

  • Higher productivity

  • A more harmonious workplace

  • Improved overall morale

  • Better customer service

  • Less employee turnover

  • A more fulfilled and joyful workforce

Employee benefits include:

  • Improved concentration, decision-making skills and ability to handle large workloads

  • A better sense of recognition, due to the conscious efforts of the upper management investing in their employee’s mental/physical well-being

  • Relieved head, neck and back strain, insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure and work-related injuries from repetitive motions

  • Lower burnout rates

  • Greater morale and improved sense of belonging

  • Enhanced outlook and attitude towards work

  • Increased well-being in the workplace

  • Reduced personal costs that are linked to stress-related illnesses and absenteeism

  • Improved productivity, focus, and ability to think clearly in stressful situations