Student Waiver

By booking with Yoga with Sy, I agree to the following:

  1. That I am participating in the Yoga classes or any other exercise or private programmes offered at Yoga with Sy during which I will receive information and instruction about yoga, physical exercise or health. I understand that yoga includes physical movements as well as an opportunity for relaxation, stress re-education and relief of muscular tension. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, discontinue the activity, and ask for support from the instructor. I assume full responsibility for any and all damages, which may incur through participation.

  2. Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Yoga is not recommended and is not safe under certain medical conditions. It is my responsibility to inform the instructor of limitations before class begins and affirm that a licensed physician has verified my good health and physical condition to participate in such a fitness program. If I am pregnant, become pregnant or I am post-natal or post-surgical, my signature verifies that I have my physician's approval to participate. I also affirm that I alone am responsible to decide whether to practice yoga and participation is at my own risk.

  3. In consideration of being permitted to participate in the yoga classes, health programmes or workshops, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or programmes offered by my instructor.

  4. In further consideration of being permitted to participate in the yoga classes, health programmes or workshops, I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against my instructor for injury or damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in these programmes.

  5. I understand that from time to time during yoga classes, the instructor may physically adjust students’ form and posture (subject to COVID 19 restrictions). If I do not want such physical adjustments, I will so inform the instructor at each class I attend. I also acknowledge that if I do wish to receive such adjustments, it is my responsibility to inform the instructor when an adjustment has gone as far as I desire at that time.

  6. I hereby take full and sole responsibility from any liability of loss or damage to personal property associated with yoga classes or any other events.

In person classes during Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If I attend an in person class whilst Coronavirus restrictions and safety measures are in place, I will:

(A) Take care of myself by following the appropriate government guidance on measures such as hand washing and social distancing.

(B) Follow the protocols and safety measures set out by Yoga with Sy for attending in person classes

(C) Not attend any class I have booked should I be displaying any symptoms or have knowingly been in contact with anyone who is symptomatic.

(D) Inform Yoga with Sy should I develop symptoms following attendance at an in person class.

Online & virtual classes

(A)  As with our studio classes, by taking part in any online class, I acknowledge that classes may be physically strenuous, and I voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there could be a risk of personal injury.

(B) When practising from home, I accept full responsibility for my home space and the health and safety precautions within this space.

(C) I acknowledge that Yoga with Sy accepts no responsibility for any potential injuries as a result of practise outside of the studio space.

(D) Yoga with Sy is not responsible for any injuries I may experience as a result of my use of any material found on the company website.

(E) Whilst practising online I am responsible for choosing and taking suitable modifications within my practice and if I choose to divert from the general instructions of the class, then I am doing so at my own discretion.

Yoga In The Park

As with our studio classes, by taking part in any outdoor Yoga with Sy class, I acknowledge that the practice may be physically strenuous, and I voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there could be a risk of personal injury.
When practising outdoors with Yoga with Sy, I will:

(A) take care of myself by following the appropriate government guidance on measures such as hand washing and social distancing

(B) follow the protocols and safety measures set out by the Yoga with Sy for attending outdoor classes

(C) not attend any class I have booked, should I be displaying any symptoms or have knowingly been in contact with anyone who is symptomatic.

(D) inform Yoga with Sy should I develop symptoms following attendance at an in person class.

(E) take care of myself when setting up my mat outside, ensuring that I am not practising on uneven ground and that the area which I place my mat down on is clear of any hazards which could cause injury.

(F) I acknowledge that Yoga with Sy accepts no responsibility for any potential injuries as a result of practise outside of the public outdoor class.

(G) Whilst practising outdoors I am responsible for choosing and taking suitable modifications within my practice and if I choose to divert from the general instructions of the class, then I am doing so at my own discretion.

I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above under my own free will. By booking into any Yoga with Sy classes or accessing online material I hereby agree to the terms and conditions above.

Upon booking any of our services you are confirming you indicate acceptance of our waiver.

Booking Terms and Conditions

  1. Payment is taken in advance prior to any class or private session. Your booking will not be confirmed until full payment is received unless agreed with Syanne or for community yoga bookings or taster sessions.

  2. Any studio fees or space hire will be agreed upon and must paid in full before attending class.

  3. Private yoga classes are held at the location agreed in advance within London zones 1-3, for classes outside of these zones, additional travel charges will be added to your invoice. Any change of location needs to be notified 48 hours in advance.

  4. Any yoga class (private or public class) is only for you and any named participants on booking; classes and blocks are non transferrable.

  5. Blocks and packages are valid for 12months unless otherwise stated.

  6. Gift Vouchers are valid for 6 months.

  7. You understand that if you are late for any reason, the class still has to finish at the agreed time. If you wish to extend the time you have booked, the teacher will endeavour to fulfil your request subject to availability.

  8. You understand that if you are late for an online class for any reason, you might not be able to join the Zoom meeting.

  9. Please note studio hire costs are non-refundable but can be rescheduled with one weeks notice.

  10. Equipment such as mats, blocks, straps and bolsters will be provided free of charge for private sessions up to 2 persons. For larger groups and events, you must provide your own equipment. Mat and prop hire for large groups can be arranged for an additional fee.

  11. All private yoga classes have a 24hour cancellation period. If you cancel within 24 hours, you will be fully charged for the session.

  12. In the event that Syanne is unable to attend a class or session, Syanne reserves the right to find a replacement teacher. In this situation no refunds will be issued. If no replacement teacher can be arranged and the class is cancelled any payments for the session will be refunded to you in full or you may choose to reschedule.

  13. If you have any questions or wish further details on any of these terms, please contact Syanne directly before booking.