Why book a private yoga session?

1. A Place To Begin

Jumping in the deep end when you don’t know how to swim can be tad overwhelming to say the least. Starting a yoga practice can feel like that sometimes, but with a private instructor you’ll never be out of your depth. Each class is tailored to your abilities and experience level. Take as much time as you like to learn the basics, terminology, philosophy and foundational techniques to build both your practice and confidence. Always guided at your pace, you can then decide if or when you’d like to join group classes.

2. Get Comfortable

Unfortunately a lot of modern studios or classes are not as inclusive or as affirming at they claim to be. Some can be a down right scary or frustrating, whether you’re a newbie or not. Exclusionary and ableist spaces can be a complete turn off at the least and incredible harmful at most. Having a quiet and private class, free from judgement or feeling self-conscious, can offer that comfort and ease you deserve.

3. It’s all about you! 

With all it has to offer, many of us come to yoga for a variety of different reasons. Anything from anxiety, to manage lower back pain, to help recover from an injury or just to try something new. Perhaps you’ve been practicing a while but are looking to focus on a particular area or aspect of your practice which needs more attention. Private sessions can be tailored to your body and practice, giving you the personalised attention and guidance no matter your goals or needs. 

4. Personal Space

For those working to manage anxiety and stress, being in a familiar environment can be the key. Getting too and from a studio, being in a new environment and large groups of strangers can be counter-productive to dealing with anxiety. With a private session, you can tailor the space an environment to suit your needs to make sure you are fully supported.

5. Anywhere, Anytime

Busy schedules are one of the top culprits for stopping people from taking care of their mental and physical health. Getting to a studio during class times may not always neatly match up with what life has in store. Private sessions allow for the most flexibility, the classes are planned around you, you can stick to a regular time or plan sessions as you go. You don’t even have to practice in the same place, at home, at work or even out doors - it’s all up to you!

6. Come As You Are

Every practice and every body is unique. For some of us, the way we show up in the world may need unique insight or attention to ensure our practice is supportive of our bodies. Injuries, health concerns or body differences can make a group yoga class impractical or even dangerous. With private yoga classes, the instructor will design the class to meet your needs. Your body, your yoga.